Caring for our neighbours.
Caring for our world.
Here at DeSonus, we are passionate about giving back to the community, helping others in need and making a difference in the world. Each year we select a cause close to home and a cause far from home as our charities.
We could not do this alone and DeSonus is grateful to all of our supporters, sponsors, volunteers, planners and artists that work hard to make the DeSonus concert a success. Our past featured charities have benefitted from all this hard work.

Previously supported charities
2019 Charities

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Airdrie Boys and Girls Club
Our close to home cause for our 2019 Airdrie concert. Since 1979, The Boys and Girls Club has been a safe and fun space, providing high quality affordable programs and services that are accessible to all children, youth and families of Airdrie and surrounding areas. With two main locations in Airdrie, a club in Irricana, and before and after school programs at three participating Airdrie schools, the Airdrie Boys and Girls club has grown to extend their reach throughout our community.
More info on their programs and mission can be found at: bgcairdrie.com
Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter
Our close to home cause for our 2019 Calgary concert. The Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter is focused on ending family violence and abuse in the lives of women, children, youth and men. Taking a Stand Against Family Violence in the community since 1974, the agency has helped more than 200,000 Calgarians build safe lives and healthy relationships. They are on the front lines to provide hope and support to some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
More info about CWES and how you can participate can be found at: calgarywomensshelter.com

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Ujamaa Grandmas
Our far away cause for our 2019 concert. The Ujamaa Grandmas is a group of over 500 Calgary women that is part of the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, working to address the consequences of the HIV/AIDS pandemic upon families and communities in sub-Saharan Africa. As such, we are committed to the Campaign’s three goals: raise awareness, build solidarity, and mobilize funds for community-based organizations that support African grandmothers and the children in their care.
More info about Ujamaa Grandmas and how you can participate can be found at: ujamaagrandmas.com
2018 Charities
Airdrie and Area Health Coop
Our close to home cause for our 2018 concert. Encouraging & supporting participation across the community to create a Healthy Community Culture that improves both social, economic, physical and health programs and health care environments AND individual characteristics and behaviours. Airdrie and Area Health Coop is changing the way our communities handle healthcare and living.
More info on their programs and mission can be found at: airdrieandareahealthcoop.ca

Medical Ministry International
Our far away cause for our 2018 concert. This year we supported Lawrence and Beverly Lundgren in raising funds for their medical trip with Medical Ministry International. MMI brings health care and develops medical centres around the world for those that need it most.
More info about MMI and how you can participate can be found at: mmi.org
2017 Charities
Creative Impact Foundation
Our close to home cause for our 2017 concert. The Creative Impact Foundation's mission is to support those living with brain trauma and to create awareness to reduce and prevent future brain traumas. They do this through awareness programs as well as education programs to help raise awareness of concussions and their consequences. They are best known for their amazing Helmets for Heroes program which allows talented youth with terminal illness to showcase their talents to the world.
More info on their programs and mission can be found at:

On The Tip of The Toes Foundation
Our far away cause for our 2017 concert. The Tip of The Toes Foundation was created to help young people living with cancer regain their well-being by facing the challenge of an exceptional therapeutic adventure expedition. Supervised by medical and outdoor experts, these expeditions aim to change the image of cancer for the participants and the general public alike.
More info about the TOTTF and how you can participate can be found at:
2016 Charities
Airdrie and District Hospice Society
This was our close to home cause for our 2016 concert. The Airdrie and District Hospice Society is looking to raise money to build a Palliative care centre in Airdrie to help hurting families with the passing of family members.
More info at: airdriehospice.ca.

A Better World Canada
This was our far away cause for our 2016 concert. A Better World Canada is a unique charity doing amazing work in Africa. Their mission is to work with communities and community leaders in impoverished African communities to ensure that at the end of 5 to 10 years the community has the necessities to sustain health, education, water supply, basic agriculture, and economic growth. The unique part comes where A Better World Canada ensures that these communities can become permanently independent.
More info at: abwcanada.ca
2015 Charities
Habitat for Humanity Airdrie
Our first close to home cause was habitat for humanity Airdrie. We were so honoured and excited to be the launch of fundraising for the next project in Airdrie. Habitat for Humanity builds strength, stability and independence for families through affordable home ownership.
More info at: habitatsouthernab.ca

A Place of Rescue and Orphanage
Our first far away cause was A Place of Rescue, and orphanage in Cambodia, through the Buckspring Foundation. A Place of Rescue is a non-profit that has a orphanage operating in Cambodia under the wonderful Marie Ens.
Please find more info about our first away partners at placeofrescuefoundation.ca and buckspringfoundation.org